

Safety First: Why Every Childcare Provider Should Get CPR-Certified

TL;DR: Working with children is rewarding but requires vigilance due to their tendency for accidents. In South Carolina, many child deaths are preventable with timely CPR. Childcare providers need CPR training to respond to emergencies like drowning, choking, allergic reactions, and cardiac arrest. This training not only saves lives but also boosts confidence, reassures parents,…

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Seconds Matter: Understanding the Vital Role of Rapid CPR Intervention

Picture this: you’re at your local coffee shop waiting in line to order your double espresso latte. Suddenly, a cry for help pierces the air. Someone’s collapsed two people back from you in line, is lying unconscious on the ground, and the entire coffee shop starts panicking. They yell for a medical professional, but nobody…

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Common Mistakes When Performing CPR

When you’re faced with an emergency where someone has lost consciousness or has stopped breathing, knowing how to perform CPR can be the difference between life and death. It’s a critical skill that will allow you to keep the blood in the victim’s body pumping and oxygenated, buying them time until professional help arrives. But…

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Refresh, Revive, Renew: Why Regular CPR Recertification Matters

With 13% of the adults in Charleston County and 16% in South Carolina reporting fair or poor health, CPR certification emerges not only as a vital skill but as a lifeline. The need for CPR training and certification is emphasized in Charleston, where the community’s health matters deeply. Proper CPR education equips individuals with the…

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Joining the CPR Movement: Making Charleston a Safer Place to Live

CPR is a life-saving technique that everyone should know. A properly executed CPR on a cardiac arrest victim can significantly increase their chances of survival without further damage to the vital organs. CPR Education should be implemented in all of the pores of society, and that is why we open this discussion in the following…

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CPR Certification for Coaches: Safeguarding Athletes’ Health

Coaches are essential in developing and training athletes, but their duties go beyond simply improving performance and taking home the trophy. Athletes’ health and safety are paramount, and being prepared for emergencies is crucial. The ability to respond appropriately in urgent situations such as cardiac arrest and other life-threatening events is made possible by CPR…

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A Comprehensive Guide to the Chain of Survival

Cardiac arrest deaths are common in the US. According to the NIH, there are 300,000-450,000 cardiac arrest casualties yearly, many of which have no prior knowledge of any heart problems. In cases like this, besides dialing 911, there are other ways to help the victim, like giving CPR. In fact, a person doesn’t have to…

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The ABCs of CPR: What You Need to Know About Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a technique that all must know! If you perform the CPR procedure within the first few minutes after a sudden cardiac arrest, you can double or triple the survival chances of the SCA victim. It’s a simple yet effective technique consisting of chest compressions and rescue breathing. However, you first must acknowledge…

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CPR Certification for Fitness Instructors: All You Need to Know

If you’re a fitness instructor, you’ve probably worked with all categories of people. Even if you’re working with someone who appears perfectly healthy, vigorous, and up for a fitness challenge, you can’t be certain they’ll be able to complete the session as they should. What if you’re in the middle of a workout, and someone…

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CPR Certification for EMT in Charleston: How It Works

Without a CPR certificate, a person cannot become an EMT. The core responsibilities of EMTs include ensuring victims remain alive at the place of the accident and survive the ride to the hospital. This includes providing basic first aid like CPR. Performing CPR is a delicate and complex technique, so going through classes will not…

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